My Machine Shop
After I became excited about Stirling Engines, I decided to try to design and build some myself.To do so, I had to purchase the tools.This page contains pictures of the tools and the machines I’ve built so far.Given that I’d never done this before, the results are not very sophisticated. On the other hand, it has been exciting and interesting to once again be a novice at something.I did make a local friend, Ralph Lemnah, who has been a professional machinist for years, and with his help, we’ve actually built a few working Stirling engines.
My first machine tool, a Harbor Freight Multi-Purpose Machine Had to return it.
My lathe, a Jet belt lathe.
My first milling machine, the Grizzly Mini Mill Drill.A great machine, but I out-grew it.
My second milling machine, also from Grizzly.
Various other tools (belt sander, drill press, band saw, grinder, table saw, miter saw, etc).
Ball chain kinetic sculptures, after Arthur Ganson (
A wagon wheel style drying rack