Pacific Anemone
This pacific anemone has just been placed in my tank. Notice the bright red foot, which is usually buried in the sand.
Here is the same anemone right after it buried itself in the sand. Notice the band of white sand around the anemone: this is the clean sand which was just expelled after the digging process. A maroon clown fish drifts happily amongst the tentacles.
The underside of the anemone's skirt has an interesting striated pattern. The skirt is lifted up occasionally, perhaps to position itself properly in the sand.
A closer view at the underside of the skirt.
Another pacific anemone which has pulled its foot out of the sand, and is drifting around the tank.
Now that same anemone has buried its foot in the sand, having found a position it likes.
That same anemone with its tentacles withdrawn and its foot compressed into a little button shape.
That same anemone with its tentacles fully extended. A colt coral is in the background.