Karma, my African Grey Parrot

I purchased an African Grey Parrot last March: she is now almost a year old. At somewhat less than a pound, she is likely to acquire a vocabulary in the hundreds of words eventually. And equipped with the intelligence of a four or five year old human, she may become a bit of a handful. Here are some photos of her:

She likes to climb on things, especially this chain. The rope is only there for her to chew on. The plastic plate is there so that she does not chew through the ceiling beams (notice some dings which she took out before I wised up).

She is quite agile, and is as happy upside down or sideways as she is rightside up.

Her claws are prehensile, and she holds all food in one claw while standing on the other. She even sleeps on one foot, with her head draped over her shoulder. Her neck is quite long and thin (and a bit coiled up under normal circumstances, kind of in an "S" shape), so it needs rest at night, I guess.

When she wants something, she lets you know by making as if to fly over to the item of choice. Her flight feathers are clipped, so she cannot fly (she just flutters to the ground), but she knows how to indicate her interest.

This is another flight pose: she can throw quite a lot of air around, even if she doesn't take off.

She preens often: here she is preening her back and wing feathers. One reason that her neck has to be so long is because she has to maintain all of her feathers, even the ones on her tail, with her beak.


Karma, has emitted some pretty strange sounds in her 11 months on this planet. Here are a few of them:










Wolf Whistle

Hello Karma

A Shower

<mystery sound> (I made this one, actually...)
