Bondy Fixed Bridge
I am no longer manufacturing and/or selling the Bondy Fixed Bridge. As of the start of 2010,
you can find a similar product by clicking
here and looking for the JCustom FX-Bridge.
In recent years, the T-Trems became more and more difficult to locate, as production ceased in
preparation for a new T-Trem, version 3. Many owners of T-Trem guitars wished that they could
replace the T-Trems with a fixed (non-tremolo) bridge, so that they could sell the T-Trems, which
started selling for $1000. Members of the Steinberger Yahoo group began to seek out sources for
fixed bridges that would be drop-in replacements for their T-Trems. I explored the feasibility
of designing and fabricating such a bridge, and discovered that I could create a product that
also would be a drop-in replacement for the S-Trem and R-Trems.
In theory, my bridges should
just drop into any T-Trem, S-Trem, or R-Trem guitar. In fact, each customer seems to need some
hand-holding, but I've actually enjoyed solving those problems long distance.
Here are some pictures of my fixed bridge, mounted in my lacewood guitar
(the one that originally had a T-Trem):

Here is the bridge mounted in a Spirit (replacing an R-Trem):

Here is the bridge mounted in a Klein (replacing a T-Trem):

This Klein owner had the following to say about mouting my fixed bridge in his Klein:
"The first thing I noticed was the bridge was WAY more present when the
guitar was strummed acoustically. The bass notes rang with piano like
clarity and were full and tight, unbelievably rich. The treble strings
were equally full, but with an extended top. Not the least bit harsh
though. Plugged in, these qualities were only accentuated. I found
clean tones to be very clear and even and high gain tones to be the
same. String separation seemed improved and all notes sustained well.
I definitely recommend the brige for anyone who has no need of the
vibrato/transposing functions of the ST/TT."
Here are some links to some articles about my bridge:
The Bondy Headless Bridge
Owner Feedback
I've started making 6-string saddles that are more like 12-string saddles, as shown in the next
picture. These saddles work just fine on my guitar (after I "softened" the edges that stick out
from the high and low E strings).

Price for the six-string fixed bridge is $350, plus $10 shipping;
add another $10 if you want to use PayPal (it's not free!).